Monday, August 18, 2008

Two Days!!!

For a long time, people have been asking me if I am getting excited to compete in the Olympics. Surprisingly, I really did not feel much excitement until recently, even at Opening Ceremonies. Perhaps it was traveling half way around the world, dealing with new and different training environments, or the fact that it still seemed so far away; but I never felt that excited.

All that is changing now. The past week has afforded me the opportunity to really get ready for my competition. As training has gotten easier, I have had more time to watch my friends compete both live and on TV (I am watching my triathlon friends on TV while I write this). Watching friends of mine compete and win medals has helped it sink in that I will be taking my place on the international stage shortly.

My wife has been here for about a week now, but my parents and my wife’s grandparents along with some other friends arrived yesterday. That also makes it feel like my time is closing in.

I am also starting to hit my “lasts.” My last shooting practice was yesterday. I’ll have a last massage, last run workout, last swim workout, and last fencing lesson. Those benchmarks make the approaching competition day seem very real and close also.

So the last two days will be mostly filled with rest and relaxation. I’ll see my family and other guests this evening for dinner, and then probably not again until I see them sitting in the stadium watching me compete. It is pretty surreal to think about that.

With less than 48 hours, I am feeling excited and ready to compete. I have been waiting for this my whole life, and soon it will be my turn to face the greatest athletes in the world on the world’s greatest sporting stage.


Sarah/Robert said...

The Brenner clan is sharing in your excitement, Eli! So glad everyone made it there OK, and we'll be pulling for you with all our might as the competition start. We're so very proud of you!

Unknown said...

We don't know you at all (other than the immediate bond between brothers in the Lord).

My wife Stacey and I just found out about you through the Shaklee newsletter. They are pretty proud of you!

Stacey and I are praying and thinking of you during this time!

God bless you and yours!

Charles Moricle said...


My son, Max, and I watched you perform a fencing demonstration at The Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, and we were thrilled to meet as man as motivated, talented, and charasmatic as yourself.

We are proud to have you represent our country in the modern pentathlon, and we wish you good fortune throughout the competition.



Theresa said...

Hi Eli! Nathan and I are so proud of you. We think it's awesome that God has given you such a great ability (and that we actually know someone competing in the Olympics!).

Keep up the great work!
Nathan, Theresa & Kate Thompson